I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you...
- John 13:34
Christ is the head of the church
The Bible represents the relationship between God and God's people
The Bible is the foundation of our identity, worship, mission(s) and understanding of God’s will
People have the uncontested right to interpret the Bible according to their conscience
God calls us as a people to be one body in Christ, living in service and mission to the community (Romans 12:4-5)

Sunday worship services, 10:30am MST
Holy Day and special worship services according to the Christian calendar and community needs
The sacrament of Communion, usually first Sunday of the month and on special occasions (all are welcome to the table to receive Christ's sacrificial love and a foretaste of the Heavenly Banquet when the Kingdom of Peace comes)
Conversation groups and events to support our knowledge, skill and practice of our faith
The sacrament of Baptism for infants or any age, to be nurtured in the body of Christ
Intention and action that furthers Jesus' mission of hope, healing, love and justice
Supporting the church and missions with time, talent and financial support
All are welcome here, no matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey*
All are blessed with a variety of God’s gifts/abilities, to use responsibly in the church and the world
All are welcome to participate in the various church ministries
All are invited to become a disciple of Christ by:
Following in the way of Jesus
Resisting oppression and evil
Showing love and justice
Growing in faith and furthering Christ's mission in the world
We embrace the dignity of each person, as created in the image of God. We welcome the opportunity to worship with people of different races, culture, language, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical/mental abilities, economic status and spiritual foundations. We uphold Safe Church policies, fostering healthy relationships and creating a space free from physical, emotional and spiritual abuse.