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Team Talk: April 25, 2024

Administration Ministry Team

Meeting Minutes by Moderator Newman McAllister

The Administration Ministry Team met on April 25, 2024. Those  present were Pastor Darlene Avery, Moderator Newman McAllister, Vice Moderator Linda Seger, Member Vaughn Drinen and Guest Teresa Allen.

Pastor had a nice vacation from April 15 through April 22. Holy Week was successful. She has been working on the handbell grant for 2024. The workshop will take place on Saturday, October 12, and the concert on Sunday, October 13. The Web of Care training is still scheduled for the first weekend in May. Those signed up are Lisa Bonwell, Liz Speir, Patty Nyquist-Heise, Margaret Peterson, Vickie Samuelson, and Pastor. Each has contributed to instructional materials and a portion of the cost.

Coffee and Conversation continues and a new book study will be chosen for May. Pastor attended a virtual workgroup conference of the Rocky Mountain Conference, UCC to help provide feedback for conference leadership on direction and mission. She was impressed that the conference is moving forward and appears to have good leadership. The Rocky Mountain Conference has its annual meeting at La Foret in the Black Forest from June 6 through June 8. Pastor will attend and will lodge there. (The team agreed to pay for her lodging.) Rev. Heather McDuffee will be installed as the settled pastor at the Manitou Springs Congregational Church on Sunday, April 28, at 2:00 p.m. Pastor will attend. Pastor is thinking that her next vacation will be from October 21 through October 28. 

The financial report for March was not completed. Sunde reported that the Sallie Bush Community Building Fund, a non-profit corporation, was formed in 2007 at the time the building was deeded to the church. Upon the sale of the building to the Historic Green Mountain Falls Foundation in 2023, the fund was dissolved, effective August 31, 2023.  Sunde completed additional paperwork thereafter, including an IRS form, and there is nothing further to file.  

Teresa reported that $9,240.00 has been raised toward the goal of $17,000.00. Newman presented an audit proposal from Biggs Kofford, a Colorado Springs CPA firm, dated April 10, 2024. After discussion the matter was tabled. Newman will contact a member of the congregation, who is a CPA, to review the proposal. Newman is advertising the extra carpet and padding for sale on Facebook Marketplace and more recently Craig’s List, at a price of $320, or the best offer. He has not received any inquiries. He was authorized to reduce the price and if that doesn’t work, to give it away. Newman presented the Restatement of Pastoral-Call Agreement. Pastor has approved. After a motion by Vaughn and a second by Newman, the team unanimously approved the agreement and authorized Newman to sign it on behalf of the church.

Vaughn brought up several items: (a) the computer in Tatter Hall keeps turning off without a prompt. Teresa says that the computer is defective and will be replaced by another owned by the church – Chris Ruccius is working on that; (b) a tarp was installed to cover the computer setup in Tatter Hall; (c) the church lacks an external security camera and power taps – it was agreed it would be efficient to have Bob LaRoche do these things when the Carillons are installed; (d) the team reaffirmed its previous decision that the church would not live-stream any weddings; and (e) there is no need to worry about a simulcast of church events into Tatter Hall because the church is never full. The wires to the fixed microphone at the lectern in the sanctuary are frayed. The team agreed that a new microphone should be purchased. Teresa and Vaughn will confer on the proper replacement. 

The Green Box contract with the church for 2024 was presented. After a motion by Pastor and a second by Linda, the team unanimously voted to approve the contract and to authorize Newman to sign on behalf of the church. The large front yard sign in front of the sanctuary blew down in March. The team agreed it should be reinstalled and Newman will pursue.

Team Rubicon is a national charitable organization. From May 25 through May 28 [Update: this has been postponed due to a members of Team Rubicon having COVID] a team of 30-35 volunteers will be in Green Mountain Falls for fire mitigation. Lodging is required and Pastor recommended that the church allow the volunteers to lodge at the church in Tatter Hall and to use the church’s kitchen facilities.  The town is going to open the swimming pool so volunteers can shower. After discussion Vaughn moved and Pastor seconded that the use be allowed without charge by the church on the condition that a lodging agreement signed and that Team Rubicon provide proof of liability insurance. The motion passed.

The next team meeting will be on Thursday, May 23, at 3:30 p.m.   


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