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Team Talk: June 27, 2024

Administration Ministry Team

Meeting Minutes by Moderator Newman McAllister

The Administration Ministry Team met on June 27, 2024. Those present were Pastor Darlene Avery, Moderator Newman McAllister, Treasurer Sunde King and Member Vaughn Drinen(by ZOOM). Vice Moderator Linda Seger was excused.

Pastor assisted at the Red Cross shelter for a fire in Beulah, Colorado, which is confined to the National Forest. Pastor is on standby, should the fire worsen. There was much pastoral care in June. The Web of Care Team had its first meeting since the training in May. Pastor is ready for the Green Box Festival, which begins on July 1. Pastor attended

the annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Conference at La Foret Conference Center. She will be entitled to a three-month sabbatical, beginning in July 2026, when she will have been at the church for seven years. There was discussion about splitting her sabbatical between years six and seven, rather than three months all at once in 2027.

The financial report for May was not ready. The Carilllon Bells have been ordered and should arrive by the end of July.

David Mitchell of Proactive Accounting presented a proposal dated June 26, 2024, to audit the church’s financial records, for the sum of $650.00. The proposal was accepted. The audit will take some time because Sunde will need to furnish a mountain of financial information to Mr. Mitchell.

Sign Shop LTD has given a proposal for replacement of the two back-to-back signs that blew down in March. Don Walker has erected the frame from which the signs will hang, and will hang the signs, at no charge to the church for labor or materials. The consensus was to accept the MDO (1/2” thick treated plywood) proposal, with a matte finish and vinyl overlay, which costs $540.72 for each sign, plus $186.72 for a new letter set, and $80.00 for delivery. A donor will reimburse the church for the total cost.

A combination lock has been purchased for the snowblower which Glen Jacobson put in the shed for the winter. The stationary microphone in the sanctuary was replaced. Team Rubicon is rescheduled to August 21 through August 27, 2024. The team will bunk in Tatter Hall. Randy Beall inspected the broken icemaker in the refrigerator and the broken hand cranks for the windows in the Chapman Room. He has ordered a new solenoid for the icemaker and will look online for suitable hand cranks. There was discussion about how to mitigate the heat that comes through the windows in the summer.

Church membership for 2024 is confirmed and a new directory will be printed. There will be a meeting of all concerned to discuss space rental protocols. Lolita Hilbert believes there are bat droppings in the sanctuary and that the mice are more active in the sanctuary. Newman will investigate. The sprinkler system has been turned on for the summer.

The next team meeting will be on Thursday, July 25, 2024, at 3:30 p.m.


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