Do your strengths include hospitality and service to others?
The We Care Team at Church in the Wildwood provides spiritual and practical care to people in need both in the church and wider community. Our members are as committed to caring for people outside our church as within it. Our team also supports local and special events with helping hands and the warmth of our hospitality.

We need many hearts and hands to welcome and serve people in our community.
If Service to Others is One of Your Gifts...
We are receiving increased inquiries about our church community and worship. It seems that all that has happened in the past few years has been a spiritual awakening for some. More and more people are inspired to pursue active spiritual growth in an accessible, welcoming faith community. How blessed are we at CWW to have church facilities that fully support our desire to bring Christ's love to all? People aren't calling CWW just because of our physical space. They have heard about or experienced our genuine hospitality, and know that we are as welcoming of strangers as we are of our own. People wanting to come to CWW feel safe inviting their diverse family members and guests.
In addition to memorial services, weddings and other events, we have had new people attending our weekly Coffee & Conversation group as well as meeting with Pastor Darlene to find out more about our congregational worship, mission and life together.
As church and community activities continue to increase, we need many hearts and hands to welcome and serve people in our congregation and community.

What does the We Care Team do?
They support our church fellowship by hosting in a wide variety of ways, for example:
helping set up and break down space and furniture set ups for services and events
helping plan and organize church outreach events and participation in community activities
helping open and close the church for special services and events
greeting, ushering and guiding guests in our facilities for worship services and events
preparing refreshments for church fellowship and special events
writing cards and thank you notes on behalf of the church
If serving others is one of your spiritual gifts, your talents are valuable and needed. We are looking to expand our team so we can expand our spiritual and practical care to people in the church and wider community.
Please contact us if you are even curious about participating in the We Care Team ministry.